


1. 什么是儿童产品?
2. 什么是CPC?

3. 什么是普通用途产品?
——“普通用途产品” 就是那些不是为12岁或者12岁以下儿童设计或者作为


1 15 USC 1278a: Lead in Non-Metal Children's Products (Test Method: CPSC-CH-E1002-08 and/or CPSC CH-E1002-08.1 and/or CPSC-CH-E1002-08.2 and/or CPSC-CH-E1002-08.3)(effective date 12/31/2011)儿童产品非金属材料的铅含量
2 15 USC 1278a: Lead in Children's Metal Products (Test Method: CPSC-CH-E1001-08and/or CPSC-CH E1001-08.1 and/or CPSC-CH-E1001-08.2 and/or CPSC-CH-E1001-08.3)(effective date 12/31/2011) 儿童产品金属材料的铅含量
3 15 USC 1278a: Lead in Children's Metal Jewelry (Test Method: CPSC-CH-E1001-08and/or CPSC-CH E1001-08.1 and/or CPSC-CH-E1001-08.2 and/or CPSC-CH-E1001-08.3) or 2005 CPSC Laboratory SOP (effective date 03/23/2009) 儿童珠宝产品的铅含量
4 16 CFR Part 1307: Prohibition of Children's Toys and Child Care Articles Containing Specified Phthalates—Test method: CPSC-CH-C1001-09.4, Standard Operating Procedure for Determination of Phthalates. 儿童产品和儿童护理用品的邻苯限量要求
5 16 CFR Part 1303, Lead Paint Regulation (Test Method: CPSC–CH–E1003–09 or CPSC–CH–E1003–09.1)(effective date 12/21/2008)1油漆条例中铅含量
6 16 CFR Part 1303, Lead Paint Regulation (Test Method: ASTM F2853-10) 油漆条例中铅含量
7 Lead in Non-Metal Children's Products (Test Method: CPSC-CH-E1002-08 and/or CPSC-CH-E1002-08.1 and/or CPSC-CH-E1002-08.2 and/or CPSC-CH-E1002-08.3)(effective date 12/31/2011) 儿童产品非金属材料的铅含量
8 Lead in Children's Metal Products (Test Method: CPSC-CH-E1001-08 and/or CPSC-CH-E1001-08.1 and/or CPSC-CH-E1001-08.2 and/or CPSC-CH-E1001-08.3)(effective date 12/31/2011) 儿童产品金属材料的铅含量
9 Lead in Children's Metal Jewelry (Test Method: CPSC-CH-E1001-08 and/or CPSC-CH-E1001-08.1 and/or CPSC-CH-E1001-08.2 and/or CPSC-CH-E1001-08.3) or 2005 CPSC Laboratory SOP (effective date 03/23/2009) 儿童珠宝产品的铅含量
10 Determination of Phthalates (Test Method: CPSC-CH-C1001-09.3 and/or GB/T 22048-2008) (effective date December 31, 2011. See Federal Register notice of August 10, 2011) 邻苯限量的测定
11 16 CFR Part 1203, Bicycle Helmets (effective date 02/10/2010) 自行车头盔
12 16 CFR Part 1215, Infant Bath Seats (effective date 12/07/2010) 婴幼儿浴椅
13 16 CFR Part 1216, Infant Walkers (effective date 12/21/2010) 婴儿学步车
14 16 CFR Part 1217, Safety Standard for Toddler Beds (effective date 10/20/2011) 儿童床
15 16 CFR Part 1218, Safety Standard for Bassinets and Cradles (effective date 4/23/2014, with the exception of § 1218.2(b)(3)(i) through (iv), (b)(5), and (b)(7), which will become effective on 4/23/2015) 摇篮
16 16 CFR Part 1219, Safety Standard for Full-Size Cribs (effective date 06/28/2011) 全尺寸婴儿床
17 16 CFR Part 1220, Safety Standard for Non-Full-Size Cribs (effective date 06/28/2011) 非全尺寸婴儿床
18 16 CFR Part 1221, Safety Standard for Play Yards (effective date 06/10/2013) 游戏围栏
19 16 CFR Part 1222, Safety Standard for Infant Bedside Sleepers (effective date 07/15/2014) 成人床边婴儿床
20 16 CFR Part 1223, Safety Standard for Infant Swings (effective date June 10, 2013) 婴儿秋千
21 16 CFR Part 1224, Safety Standard for Portable Bedrails (effective date 06/10/2013) 便携式床栏
22 16 CFR Part 1225, Safety Standard for Hand-Held Infant Carriers (effective date 06/06/2014) 手提式婴儿提篮
23 16 CFR Part 1226, Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Soft Infant and Toddler Carriers (effective date 09/29/2014) 软体婴幼儿背带
24 16 CFR Part 1227, Safety Standard for Carriages and Strollers (effective date 09/10/2015) 婴幼儿提篮和推车
25 16 CFR Part 1228, Safety Standard for Sling Carriers (effective date 01/30/2018) 婴儿吊兜
26 16 CFR Part 1229, Safety Standard for Infant Bouncer Seats (effective date 03/19/2018) 婴儿跳椅
27 16 CFR Part 1230, Safety Standard for Frame Child Carriers (effective date 09/02/2016) 框架式儿童背带
28 16 CFR Part 1232, Safety Standard for Children's Folding Chairs and Stools (effective date 06/15/2018) 儿童折叠椅和凳子
29 16 CFR Part 1233, Safety Standard for Portable Hook-On Chairs (effective date 09/28/2016) 便携式桌边椅
30 16 CFR Part 1234, Safety Standard for Infant Bath Tubs (effective date 10/2/2017) 婴儿浴盆
31 16 CFR Part 1250, Safety Standard Mandating ASTM F963 for Toys (see detailed ASTM F963 section below) 强制玩具安全标准
32 16 CFR Part 1303, Lead Paint (effective date 12/21/2008)1 涂层铅含量
33 16 CFR Part 1420, Requirements for All-Terrain Vehicles (Stayed until November 27, 2011, provided that the manufacturer meets certain conditions.)2 全地形车
34 16 CFR Part 1500.86(a)(5), Clacker Balls (effective date 07/29/2010) 叮当球
35 16 CFR Part 1500.86(a)(7) and (8), Dive Sticks and Other Similar Articles (effective date 02/10/2010) 潜水棒和其他类似物品
36 16 CFR Part 1501, Small Parts Rule (effective date 02/15/2009) 小部件规则
37 16 C.F.R. Part 1505, Electrically Operated Toys or Articles (effective date 07/29/2010) 电动玩具和类似物品
38 16 CFR Part 1510, Rattles (effective date 02/10/2010) 摇铃玩具
39 16 CFR Part 1511, Pacifiers (effective date 01/20/2009) 奶嘴
40 16 CFR Part 1512, Bicycles (effective date 08/15/2010) 自行车
41 16 CFR Part 1513, Bunk Beds (effective date 02/10/2010) 儿童双层床
42 16 CFR Part 1610, Standard for the Flammability of Clothing Textiles (effective date November 17, 2010) 服用纺织品的可燃性
43 16 CFR Part 1611, Standard for the Flammability of Vinyl Plastic Film (effective date October 19, 2010) 乙烯基塑料薄膜的可燃性
44 16 CFR Part 1615, Standard for the Flammability of Children’s Sleepwear: Sizes 0 through 6X (FF 3-71) (effective date February 18, 2011) 儿童睡衣可燃性
45 16 CFR Part 1630, Standard for the Surface Flammability of Carpets and Rugs (effective date October 19, 2010) 地毯表面可燃性
46 16 CFR Part 1630, Standard for the Surface Flammability of Carpets and Rugs (effective date October 19, 2010) 地毯表面可燃性
47 16 CFR Part 1631, Standard for the Surface Flammability of Small Carpets and Rugs (effective date October 19, 2010) 小地毯表面可燃性
48 16 CFR Part 1632, Standard for the Flammability of Mattresses and Mattress Pads (FF 4-72, Amended) (effective date November 17, 2010) (FF 4-72, 经修正) 床垫和褥垫可燃性
49 16 CFR Part 1633, Standard for the Flammability (Open Flame) of Mattress Sets (effective date November 17, 2010) 床垫套件的可燃性标准(明火)

查询网址: https://www.cpsc.gov/Business--Manufacturing/Testing-Certification/Lab-Accreditation/Rules-Requiring-Third-Party-Testing/

    儿童产品 – 警告语

ASTM F963 参考模板如下:

注:ASTM F963-17 警告语必须满岁足条款5规定的尺寸要求
EN 71-1 参考模板如下:

注:EN 71-1 年龄图标必须满岁足条款7.2规定要求

    CPSIA-103 标签追踪信息

Product Description :产品名称
Band (Trade mark):     产品描述
Model No./Type:       型号
Importer:                      进口商(美国本土)
Importer’s address:     进口商地址 (美国本土)
Manufacturer:              制造商
Manufacturer’s address: 制造商地址(追溯到街道)
Lot No. / Batch No. :    生产批号
Date of Production:   生产日期


Material:100% Cotton (可以印在布标上,但布标必须符合相关纺织品标识要求);
Brand:tongzhaoni (可以印在包装上或产品上);

美国消费品安全法案(CPSA)规定,儿童产品的制造商和进口商必须基于CPSC认可的实验室的测试结果,提供书面的儿童产品证书(Children’s Product Certificate,CPC),以证明其产品满足相应的儿童产品安全条例。CPC和支持的测试报告必须是英文版本。
a) 此证书所涵盖的产品标识信息
b) 该认证产品引用的每项CPSC儿童产品安全条例
c) 该产品的美国进口商或制造商符合性认证标识
d) 测试数据维护人员的联系信息
e) 产品生产日期和生产地址
f) 消费品安全条例符合性测试的日期和地址
g) 进行认证需要的符合性测试的 、CPSC 认可的第三方实验室
a) 15 USC 1278a:非金属儿童产品中的铅
b) 15 USC 1278a:儿童金属制品中的铅
c) 15 USC 1278a:儿童金属珠宝中的铅
d) 15 USC 2057c:玩具和某些儿童产品中的邻苯-聚氯乙烯塑料增塑剂
e) 16 CFR Part 1303:含铅油漆
f) ASTM F963-16:玩具安全标准(需具体到章节)

